May 30, 1996

Hawaii - A Tauck Tour - May 30, 1996 - June 11, 1996

This trip was before I retired but I included it in my travel blog because I could.

I wanted to send Mom and Dad on this trip for their 50th wedding anniversary.  Dad and I went to the travel agent (AAA) to make the plans. Dad said he would like it if I went with them to help them through the process.  How could I refuse?  

We visited Oahu, Kauai, Hawaii (Big Island) and Maui. We flew from island to island. Tauck is a first class tour company. I recommend them highly.

On each island they took us to see the major attractions. Our tour guide was with us the whole time.

This was a great trip We all had a fun time. The tour company treated us like royalty.  We stayed in some of the best hotels on the islands.

On the way home we stopped off in LA and spent a week with my Mom's brother (Uncle Buddy).  This helped break the flight up.  We say a lot of LA while we were there.

Oahu - Royal Hawaiian Hotel (Pink Palace) - Mom and Dad
We stayed here first 3 nights Hotel is on Wakiki

Oahu - Pearl Harbor